Thursday, December 29, 2005

2005 in Review!

My year in review:
This is not going to be in any particular order.
1. Twins turned one years old
2. Emmalee turned 6 years old
3. Taylor turned 11 years old
4. Steve turned 30 years old
5. I turned 27 years old
6. Steve and I bought my Grandma's house
7. Chose a wedding date
8. I Watched my sons walk and crawl and do things like normal boys
9. Evan would of been 8 years old.
10. the 3 year anniversary of Evans death went by.
11. I went ot vegas for the first time
12. my daughter and nephew raised almost 200$ for huricane Katrina at a lemonade stand
13. Started going back to church
14. watched Taylor get babtized
15. met my step sister for the first time
16 steve and I celebrated a year together
17. Became addicted to bloggger
18. became addicted to my camera
19.I want to take pics professionally one day.
It was not a lot of things but they were definatly big to me.
Next year in 2006
1 I am getting married
2. My brother is getting married.
3. I get to travel to washington without my kids for a weekend away
4. I get to go to idaho for the first time.
5.we all turn a year older.
6.Steve's brother is having a baby and getting married
7. my dad turns 60 (wow)
and all the stuff that comes along with all this which is a lot of stuff. I am anxious to share all the stuff with you.
I hope you all had a wonderful year I know I did. I wish you all a wonderful next year and am excited to hear about all your exciting things as well.


At 1:21 PM , Blogger tony said...

sounds like you had a full year and a lot of plans for the next year.when you come to washington we better see you guys. we are right over the river in portland.

At 1:38 PM , Blogger LISA said...

I like the Washington one!!!!!!

At 4:38 PM , Blogger trisha said...

well-I must steal your year in review-I think everyone's a good thinker-ya know what I mean????like the new background-(we'll have to get together)

At 10:38 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

Sounds like 06 is a year for marriage in your family. Congrats!! Happy New Year


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