Thursday, March 02, 2006

Should I or Shouldn't I???

That is the big question I am pondering?
I have been reading lots of your blogs latley and noticing that all of your children have been having dances and neat little things at their schools holiday programs ect.
Well It made me think about our school and I began to wonder WHY? why no holiday program? Why no school dances? Why not some exciteng fundraisers?Why no plays or musical proformances? Why not the things I remember in school?
Well I talked to the head of the PTA! She said she does not have the kind of time and nobody has ever really had any Ideas like this before. What! I am not that creative so how hard is it?
Yes the question I dreaded came next. Well have you considered joining the PTA mam? AARRRGGGHHH! I Was not looking for an invite but I got one. So I threw out my best excuse yet. Well you see I have twin boys and no baby sitter so I am unable to do this kind of stuff. Guess what her answer was? Oh do not worry we offer daycare!
CRAP! there went that excuse right out the door.
I have been thinking about it and I am the kind of person that tries with all of my might to avoid conflict at all costs. I am so afraid that I will step on somebodies toes with all my ideas or just make somebody not like me.But at the same time I think all of our children diserve grade school memories that they can cherish. I know I have a whole bunch and would not trade them for the world.
I do not mind working behind the scenes but am really debating on joining.What do you think I should do.
Please feel free to give me advice and if you are in the PTA which I know a couple of you are please help me out by telling what to expect if I do join I do not want to go into this whole thing blind.


At 9:44 AM , Blogger trisha said...

if you join, i'll join with you-we can do some fun stuff at madison, ya think- ya know come sept- both j and k will be there! let's do it- let's be pta moms!

At 4:32 PM , Blogger LISA said...




At 6:10 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

The head of the PTA isn't doing much I would get a new PTA Head. Gather several in a group and come up with ideas. Least that's how they do it here.

At 7:09 AM , Blogger kel said...

They invited me to a meeting and the first meeting I got sucked into being president. Ill be honest at times it is SO fun and I love it but other times it can be such a pain in the rear that I just want to quit it all.

At 8:43 AM , Blogger Michelle said...

The only way to get the changes made are to get involved. Maybe start small and work your way in. Become an activities director or something like that!

At 10:57 AM , Blogger Debby said...

my frind Summer joined the PTA and the more she did the less everyone else would do, i would say within a month she was pressured into being president. last year she did the whole yearbook by herself cause noone else wanted to do it, and the year before they just didnt have one cause noone wanted to help with it. i would say 3/4 of her week is spent doing stuff for the PTA, weekends nights its not just a day thing while the kids are in school. If you want to do it I think its great but let them know up front how much time you want to spend on it cause they will take advantage of you

At 10:38 AM , Blogger Two girls and a guy! said...

I think it would be fun to be in the PTA, but of course, I don't have any experience in this stuff yet, so I guess I am not really one to give advice! But if you really want Emmy to have some good grade school memories, then I say why not go for it??? It would take up a lot of time, but like someone else already said, if you could tell them that you can only give so much time to the PTA, because of your boys and the rest of your family, then maybe it will all work out??? Also, you can feel good that you helped to make Emmy's school fun again, and you helped her on her way to those awesome childhood memories!!! :)
Take care! Good luck!

At 1:28 PM , Blogger LISA said...

I am not a BLOG member but I enjoy keeping in touch with what is going on in your family so I forward this through my daughter Lisa because I can't make a comment on your BLOG.
To all that entered comments on Heathers BLOG.
Yes I am the mother who has been in PTA for 30 years not 35 (my daughter makes me older than I am)
I currently sit on the California State Board of Managers (18years 2 years as a District President, 2 years as Mass Media Chair, 8 years as Leadership Councilor helping and teaching PTAs throughout the state, 5 years as Convention Manager to my current job as Board of Manager Meeting Planner) and am a past president of Madison PTA, Sierra Middle School PTA, board member of Ramona PTA, a member of Riverside Council (all PTAs in RUSD) for 10 years and Past President of 23 District PTA (Riverside Co.) I give you all this so my daughter knows what I was doing all those 30 years.

I went into PTA because I did not trust the school to take care of my then only daughter. I have stayed in PTA because I have felt it was and is the best avenue to know what is going on in your child's school and to help not only your kids but all kids not only in the school but in the community. I also stayed because I was having so much fun!

Yes being a PTA president is overwhelming and time consuming. But you can only be taken advantage of if you let people take advantage and a lot of presidents don't delegate or have no one to delegate to. PTA provides training for all PTA board members to help them learn their job, provide ideas and how to get them off the ground and running, team work and much more to help make the job easier. The best word for a volunteer to know is "No".

PTA presidents get ideas all the time from parents but they to are just that parents with kids, jobs and lives they need your help to make the PTA what the parents want.
Madison PTA won an "Outstanding PTA in the State Award" once.

Start out small or bring a friend aboard to help. Prepare your idea and present it. When someone volunteers to help use them but don't overwhelm them and show your support and encourage them. Say Thank You.

The best part of my 30 years has been working with kids.
The next was as I got older and moved up in PTA was helping others achieve their goals and seeing the good work so many Moms and Dads are doing.
The very best of the best was the friendships I made along the way. Friends that I still have who were Moms, Teachers and Principals that understood why I worked so hard for free and loved every minute of it. Stand at a Carnival from 6 in the morning tell well after all have gone home and remember the kids smiles and the problems you solved with friends and the laughs you had and it is worth it.

I wouldn't change these 30 years for nothing and hope you make good memories.

The memories you have about the fun you had in school came from those who went before you not from those who wondered why others weren't doing it (ask your Mom and Dad about Cheerleaders and Flag Football at Madison). The best you will get is the sound of kids laughing and friends.
A saying that is kind of tattered taped to my desk say " A hundred years from now it will not matter what my bank account was, the sort of house I lived in or what kind of car I drove but that world may be different because I was important in the life of one child."
Remember "The world is run by those who show up" and the kid in the classroom today may be the father of your grandchildren, the policeman or woman who comes to your rescue when your old and gray, handles your bank account, fills your prescriptions or your doctor. So see you must get involved.


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