Sunday, August 07, 2005

I have been reading so many blogs lately. I have found that there are a few of them that are about to have babies for the first time. I thought it would be fun to help them save a few dollars in the up coming months. Here are some of the things I have come across haveing 4 kids and old wives tales I have heard.

1. DO NOT waste money on nursing pads.
Buy maxi pads, cut them in half and put the sticky side against your
2. A mid wife told me that when my contractions started to eat
something with real rasberries or drink a tea w/ras. extracts.
(she said it would speed up my labor and guess what my labor
was 4 hours and I arrived at hopst. 9:15 gave birth at 9:37)
3.When your milk comes in the best ice packs to use are bags of
frozen peas. They easily form to you and help with the pain.
4. Most hospitals do not allow digital camera's unless the doctor is
not in the room. (before and after the birth ask your haspital)
5.The Fish Net Undies the hospital gives you are the most comfy
undies you will ever wear. The nurses always will give you some to
take home.
6. SOCKS! SOCKS the hopital gets cold on you little toes
7.Do not over pack remember what you bring must come back home
along with baby, carseat, diaper bag that the hospital gives you, gifts
friends that come to see you bring, and did I mention all the stuff you
bring home from the hospital.
8. When you have your baby the nurses bring you diapers, wipes&
formula if you do not nurse, and lots of alchole wipes for the babies
cord. Once this stuff is in your room it is yours if you do not take it
they put in the trash, so take it home ( just not the blankets)
9. All you baby needs is an outfit, blankets, and a carseat with the head
support they will give you a diaper bag as a gift that is also a gift bag
full af baby goodies.
10. Many moms love the diaper genie but I have always found a plastic
grocery bag does the trick. Come on you get how many every
time you shop?
11. I have a favorite pillow and if you are that same way DO NOT
forget it. It helps with labor and sleep after the birth.
12. If you have a small basinet or changing table a lrg. pillowcase
fits like a sheet and you get can two for the price of one and use
it later. WILL bleed after the baby so you need maxi pads for that but the nurses will give you special ones for you hospital stay and a couple to take home.

I do not know if this will help any of you prenant women but I thought I would try and offer some tips to ease the minds. If any of you other moms have some good tips please post a comment so these moms can read those as well. I know that once I publish I will think of something I did with the twins to help save money if so I will just leave a comment. Good luck all you moms to be. our prayers are with you.


At 10:14 AM , Blogger trisha said...

I have coached and witnessed many births including Heathers twins..(that was my first c-section)here are some helpful hints for the coaches/dads to be-
1. bring some gum...(for yourself)
2. remember that once mom is prepped and in labor...she won't be able to don't eat in front of her...even after the baby comes, she sometimes has to wait a while for a solid meal..i find it rude to bring a sack of fast food when she can't eat yet.
3. like Heather said, make sure you take both types of cameras; digital and a still camera with extra batteries and film. When Heather had to have a c-section, i took in her digital camera at first, the OR staff and doctor said no digital photos in the OR, luckily i had my still camera back in her room. (check with your hospital on their policy)
4. have change or dollar bills for the vending machines...water, coffee, sodas, etc...remember no snacking in the room with mom...
5. make sure you have phone numbers; which these days most everyone has all their #'s in their cell you can call and give everyone the news after the baby is born.
6. try and help keep mom as comfortable as possible...ask her often if there is anything you can do for her...she maybe moody at times but continue to ask anyways. ICE CHIPS are the BEST during labor, and she can have that!
7. and most of all...remeber that this experience is an amazing blessing...enjoy every minute of it and take lots of pictures! hope some of this helps!

At 4:17 PM , Blogger NME said...

Excellent advice.
EAT before you go to the hospital. I was in labor for 19 hours and wasn't allowed any food. It was the worst part.
You might not need all the gadgets. Every one told me I needed a swing and my son never liked it. It got zero use.
And make sure your clothes for the trip home are huge and comfy. You don't want to wear tight clothes after the birthing.

At 7:33 PM , Blogger mrs. awesome said...

that was a great list. my hubby brought popsicles and that was really great. in fact, we shared with some others in labor. i think the daddies had a bonding moment by the freezer too :)


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