Thursday, October 25, 2007


We have been so lucky and our air has been fairly cleaner then most surrounding areas but now that the wind has stopped blowing it has settle here. below are pics from outside my house this morning and this afternoon. the ones of the sun was about 7:45 am and the others are from about 11:30 this morning. everything has a orangish brownish glow and it looks gloomy and over cast however it would be a perfectly beautiful day if not for this layer of smoke. now is the time for me to start watching Q with his breathing. I should just start him on his steroid breathing treatments now to help keep him strong I will play it by ear if he is coughing like crazy by tonight then i will take the next measure. I called his Dr office to get a copy of their immunization cards from them and the Dr just called me to check on him. so I am worried but i think he has come pretty far and will be o.k he might need a little help but we will find out.


At 7:18 AM , Blogger Michelle said...

We were talking to our friend in Perris yesterday, and every few words he would start coughing. The whole family has asthma and the air has been really bad for them!

At 7:20 AM , Blogger Shionge said...

Hope it gets better and better everyday...I'm sadden by the fires ya

At 7:37 PM , Blogger diana said...

well i'm glad to know that things are at least getting better. i hope quentin isn't affected severely by all the smoke.


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